Saturday, December 20, 2014

It was a dark and stormy night...

Dodgy trolley doesn't even know enough to come in out of the rain.

Photo credit:  me, Garland, Texas, December 2014

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Secret treasure trolley

This trolley is hiding who knows what secret treasures beneath that tablecloth (?).

Photo credit:  Lisa Luscombe, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia, November 2014

Friday, December 5, 2014

City Hall trolley

Trolley with delusions of grandeur--this one is parked in front of City Hall!

Photo credit:  Lisa Luscombe, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia, November 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014

This is what happens to dodgy trolleys

Old runners and a beer bottle!  Looks like this trolley's been made into a rubbish bin.

Photo credit:  Lisa Luscombe, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia, November 2014

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Trying to hail a taxi

Late night dodgy trolley had too much to drink so he (she?) was trying to hail a taxi home.

Photo credit:  Lisa Luscombe, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia, November 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Delinquent trolley

Came out of Target and found this dodgy trolley trying to break into my car.  

Photo credit:  me, Target parking lot, far north Garland, October 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

A little too much fun

This is what happen when even dodgy trolleys have too much fun!  That must have been some party!  And it looks as though this dodgy trolley has some equally sketchy friends.

Photo credit:  Lisa Luscombe, Victoria, Australia, November, 2014

That's what happens when trolleys jump bail

This trolley obviously tried to jump bail and the bail bondsman sent a bounty hunter to take it out!

Photo credit:  me, El Reno, Oklahoma, November 30, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

Post trolley

This trolley made an unscheduled stop at the post shop!  I wonder to whom he (she?) was sending a post.

Photo credit:  Lisa Luscombe, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Blocking the hydrant

This trolley obviously didn't get the memo--blocking the fire hydrant is illegal. I think a ticket is in this trolley's future.

Photo credit:  me, Garland, Texas, October 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Shady trolley

Well...all dodgy trolleys are shady!  (Dodgy = shady)

Photo credit: Lisa Luscombe, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia, October 2014

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Vegan trolley

This trolley is a vegan--it's waiting outside Vegilicious, a new vegan restaurant in St. Kilda.

Photo credit:  Lisa Luscombe, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia, October 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Fish and chips trolley

This trolley got hungry for some fish and chips!

Photo credit:  Lisa Luscombe, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia, October 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

Antique dodgy trolleys

Saw this dodgy trolley in an antique store in McKinney, Texas yesterday.  Now that's an escape that didn't go as planned--now the trolley is trapped!

Photo credit:  me, Antique Company Mall, McKinney, Texas, October 30, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

Words with trolleys

My wonderful friend Lisa, who has been supplying me with so many dodgy trolley photos, sent the above photo with the comment, "I swear the trolleys around here have had words...everywhere I look..."

So, now we know--the trolleys are conspiring!

Photo credit: Lisa Luscombe, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia, October 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Crash test trolley

Crash test trolley.  Gotta watch out for those trees, trolley!
Photo credit:  Lisa Luscombe, Inkerman Street, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia.  Caption credit:  Ray Luscombe

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Smurf trolley

I think Smurf trolley was trying to hide behind that tree, and was failing rather spectacularly!
Photo credit:  Lisa Luscombe, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia, October 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Worldly possessions

East St. Kilda man uses this dodgy trolley for his worldly possessions.  Hope he's obeying that speed limit sign up there.

Photo credit: Lisa Luscombe, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia, October 23, 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Romeo & Juliet of dodgy trolleys

This is the Romeo and Juliet of dodgy trolleys:  a Target trolley and a Petsmart trolley escaped just so that they could be together!  They're hiding from their families who don't approve of their clandestine love affair.

Photo credit:  me, far north Garland, October 2014

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Out of gas

This dodgy trolley was abandoned after it ran out of gas.

Photo credit:  Lisa Luscombe, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia, October 2014

Saturday, October 18, 2014

First guest submission--trolley in the wild

Our first guest submission!  Look closely and you will spot the wild trolley in its natural habitat.  This untamed trolley was spotted near Harbor Freight Tools in Garland, Texas.  

Photo credit:  Rebecca Buck, taken in North Garland, October 18, 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014

Getting a new do

This trolley is getting her hair done...

Photo credit:  Lisa Luscombe, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia, October, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Barney the purple trolley

This photo was taken on the fly!  I noticed Barney the purple trolley and made a u-turn to grab a quick photo.  I had to take the photo quickly since I was on a busy road, but I couldn't resist a purple dodgy trolley!

Photo credit:  me, west Garland, Texas, October 16, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The dodgiest of all trolleys

The dodgiest of all trolleys.  This one followed me home last year from a local antique store.  Even though it is dodgy--and perhaps a bit sketchy too--it has proven very handy.  I do have to keep an eye on it; I think it has plans...
Photo credit:  me, taken in Garland, Texas, 2013.

Trolley love

Even trolleys need a little action now and then...especially dodgy trolleys!

Photo courtesy of Lisa Luscombe, taken in East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


This dodgy trolley tried to escape, but wiley pursuers cornered it.  Just for the record, trolleys can't climb!

Photo by the incomparable Lisa Luscombe, East St. Kilda, Victoria Australia.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

An American dodgy trolley

This is one dodgy trolley!  It escaped but was recaptured, and is now being interrogated by top Best Buy employees to see if it acted alone or was part of a plot!

Photo by me, taken in Garland, Texas at the Best Buy.

Another Melburnian trolley

DT#2, shown trying to go incognito in a batch of ornamental grass.

Photo by Lisa Luscombe, taken in East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia.  

The Dodgy Trolley

One of the best things I heard during my recent trip to Melbourne, Australia was the term, "dodgy trolley."  

A trolley is Melburnian for shopping cart, and dodgy, well dodgy know, dodgy!  Sketchy, awful, awry, broken--all apt synonyms for "dodgy."

It just sounds so great--like nothing an American would ever say!  My friend Lisa and I have been talking about it ever since I heard it.  And because I have a really odd sense of humor, I decided there needed to be a blog dedicated to dodgy trolleys everywhere.  

So without further adieu, our first batch of dodgy trolleys:

These photos show the dodgy trolley at its finest.  Taken by my friend, Lisa Luscombe, the pictures show the migration of the dodgy trolley from the lane way where it was first spotted to a neighboring street, where it seems to have taken up permanent residence!  

Let's hope DT#1 finds its way back home to Cole's (the local grocery).

All photos by Lisa Luscombe, taken in East St. Kilda (Balaclava), Victoria, Australia.